Definitely, over our heads.

Let's hope we all survive!

Monday, August 22, 2011

We ain't first class, but we ain't white trash...

Hallelujah!  The 20 foot dumpster is gone from in front of my house.  I can't tell you how tired I was of seeing that monstrosity every time I pulled into the driveway.

We also now have a hooked up washer and dryer.  I can finally catch up on some of this laundry that's been piling up for the last week.

Oh, and we're up to 4 toilets, two showers, and 3 bathroom sinks.  We even have a couple bathrooms that have a sink AND a toilet functioning.  Oh yeah, baby.  ;-)

We still don't have a kitchen, but like I said, that should be completed around the 2nd of September.  We're still eating most of our meals at restaurants. 

Our beds are actually set up, we only had one night of sleeping on mattresses on the floor.  Here's a shot of our first night here...
I had Syd sleep in Peyton's room since we didn't have the blinds installed yet and
her room is on the front of the house.
So far, I think most people that hear how we're living think we're insane.  I might have to agree with them.  It's certainly not ideal, but it's been working out okay.  Although, I'm not sure it's any different than someone living in the midst of a home remodel.  I'm just telling myself it's kind of like camping...except with indoor plumbing.

Oh, and thanks to Sawyer Brown for the title inspiration.  If you don't know the song, the next line is fairly fitting as well...

I ain't first class, but I ain't white trash.
I'm wild and a little crazy too...

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