Definitely, over our heads.

Let's hope we all survive!

Friday, July 22, 2011

How many engineers does it take to pick out and purchase tile?

Well, if you were with me today, it took 4.  Plus the non-engineer (me) to remind them that the shower is 4 feet by 6 feet, NOT 4 feet by 5 feet.

Yes, I survived a couple hours with four engineers.  They were actually quite funny, and super helpful. 

You may be wondering why an engineering team was needed to pick out and purchase tile.  Well, one was my husband.  The second was the one who has graciously agreed to install the tile for our shower.  The other two just came along for the ride.  And to have lunch.  :-)  Truthfully, the tile was already picked out.  Mark hadn't seen it, not that his opinion would have changed my mind, of course.  And Curtis needed to see what he'd be working with.  Plus, he'd done all the measuring to ensure we ordered the correct amount.

It looks as if we will actually be starting painting this weekend.  We decided to wait until all the doors and most of the trim were hung.  There is still much debate on what the ideal way to go about the actual painting is.  I think we're going to do trim, doors and ceilings first.  Then walls.  But that's today's idea.  Tomorrow's could be much different.

The hardwood was delivered Monday.  It's soooo pretty!  I can't wait to see it actually installed.  Installation however, cannot start until painting is done.  Bummer.  Oh, and 1500 square feet of hardwood takes up a lot of room...

stack #1
stack #2

The actual wood
The wood is actually random length.  I had a bit of a freak out when I opened the box and saw two identical sized boards.  I think it should go really well with the dark cabinets we picked out.

I may have mentioned that we had an error with the framers.  The door of our "water closet" (I just learned this's the little room where the toilet goes) was not framed in correctly for some reason.  We never really noticed until the doors were being hung.  Oops.  So, we decided to build a box above the door which will have a piece of glass.  It's essentially a really high window.  ;-)  I think it actually will be pretty cool.  We're trying to decide if we want to do some sort of cool stained glass or just a clear window type.  So many decisions!!!

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